Juanita Xiwana

The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places... when I look back over my life this phrase from a Psalm seems to describe my years on this earth. My story begins in Colorado, and takes me to rural southern Mexico as a young child, back to Colorado and then to Mexico as a married woman, and to Arizona and to many places beyond. My multicultural and multilingual life has given me friends around the world. My husband and I have chalked up over forty years of rewarding marriage, including the blessing of four children we love so much. Now three are married and we are amazed at each grandchild that joins our family, ten so far.

Crafting songs to tell a story or capture something important to me has been fun for me over many years. But my middle and youngest sons inspired me further when they began to write songs during their college years and sing in a band. However it was not until 2017 I recorded professionally some of my songs for the first time. This is in part because friends and family kept asking me to do this and because I wanted to see how my songs would sound when recorded with more than a handheld audio recorder. Also it was because my middle son arranged for two friends to give me time in their recording studios in Los Angeles. Thank you, hijomio.

In this first set of five songs I have included some of my favorites.

I hope to share more before long.