When the Full Moon Climbs Again

  • When the full moon climbs again over the Catalina mountains

  • Will it find you sittin' here next to me?

  • When the full moon climbs again over the Catalina mountains

  • May this loneliness be a memory

  • You're living in my tomorrow

  • I'm living in your yesterday

  • Yet your heart beats for me strongly

  • Half a world away

  • Though the whole world lies between us

  • Ocean shores on ocean shores

  • I'll wait for you with hope unfailing

  • Till farewells are heard no more

    I Remember, I Recall

  • I remember, I recall

  • The breakfast table, new day's dawn

  • A place for one and all

  • Pancakes hot and Mama's smile

  • In the morning light

  • Whatever work you do today

  • Be sure that its done right.

  • I remember, I recall.

  • Memories, memories, memories

  • I remember, I recall

  • Swimming in the river

  • Thrills for one and all

  • Hiking rugged mountain trails

  • Weary to the bone

  • Let me carry your load for you

  • Together we'll get home.

  • I remember, I recall.

  • Memories, memories, memories

  • I remember, I recall

  • Evenings by the fireside

  • Room for one and all

  • Stories of the yesteryear

  • Stories of the day

  • And the fire's glow keeping

  • The dark and storm away.

  • I remember, I recall.

  • Memories, memories, memories

  • Memories, memories, memories

    By the Light of the Moon

  • By the light of the moon

  • I will draw water from the well

  • By its silvery rays

  • I will wash my cares away

  • Where the white roses bloom

  • In the cool of the night I will bathe

  • Star shine in my eyes, kindle my joy

  • By the light of the moon

  • By the light of the moon

  • I will cross rivers dark and wide

  • By its silvery trail

  • Footsteps true will find the way

  • Where the memories of home

  • And horizons dim promise day

  • Moonshadow's pale glow, strengthen my hope

  • By the light of the moon

  • By the light of the moon

  • I will wend my way back to you

  • May its silvery lines

  • Lead me to my heart's desire

  • There secure in your arms

  • Every lingering doubt fades away

  • Let me always be here, found in your love

  • By the light of the moon

  • Chalk Up Another Memory

  • Warm waves washing the Gulf Coast shores

  • White gulls stranding thru the blue skies

  • Salt seaweed steaming on the bright sand

  • Chalk up another memory – together, again.

  • Refrain:

  • Some we've forgotten, some better let lie,

  • Some lets hang onto 'til the day that we die.

  • Who we are now is not who we'll be,

  • But you'll always be you, and I'll always be me.

  • Skybird window, my head on your shoulder,

  • Sun sinking orange to the purple sea

  • Wide world turning, new day rising

  • Chalk up another memory - together, again.

  • Cornbread and blackbeans, lamplight gleaming

  • on the sweet faces of those we hold dear,

  • Down the wood table your smile is beaming

  • Chalk up another memory – together, again.

    When it's All Said and Done

  • When it's all said and done, will the mystery be rerun?

  • Is there a reason for the rainbow in the sky?

  • When it's all said and done, life's brief struggle in the sun,

  • Without a storm, those colors surely cannot fly.

  • Lilacs blooming at my door, baby crawling on the floor,

  • Time to sit and talk with my old friend

  • All the hurry in my life, is not what I'll keep in mind,

  • But the breathing, and the seeing, and the knowing in the wind.

  • When it's all said and done, will the race truly be won,

  • By the fittest and the fastest and the strong?

  • When it's all said and done, my bet's on the simple ones

  • Who stay the course and keep their eyes on God's own Son.